Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Please join a special friend, Phillida Hargreaves and her sister Kate Stewart from the UK as they share a passion for all things fibre in their Art Exhibition in downtown Kingston

When sisters make art, especially when they are an ocean and continents apart, the work can be guaranteed to be very special...

June 15-28, 2016 
Opening Reception
Thursday, June 16, 2016
6-8 pm 
285 King Street East
at the corner of King and Clarence Streets
Gallery Hours
Mon.-Fri. 9-5 pm
Sat. 11-3 pm 


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Please join me as I meet and celebrate the exhibiting artists, SAQA representatives and guests at the Opening of MY CORNER OF THE WORLD and MY CORNER OF THE WORLD- CANADA at Stratford Perth Museum

The Exhibition Opening is May 21st, 2016 at the Stratford Perth Museum, 1-3 pm.

Exhibiting Artists Reception 
5-6:30 pm

THE Stratford Perth Museum and SAQA'S Representatives are excited to welcome the many exhibiting artists who are planning to attend the OPENING of MY CORNER OF THE WORLD and MY CORNER OF THE WORLD - CANADA Exhibitions - some traveling from as far away as Calgary and Texas.

The Invitation is open to our exhibiting artists, SAQA members, guests and friends.

Please join us for an evening reception after the museum closes to the public at 5pm. It will be an opportunity for artists and guests to spend more time together discussing their work and getting to know each other better.

Please note that this evening reception is in addition to the formal 'Opening' of the exhibition on Saturday afternoon from 1-3 pm at the Museum. Refreshments will be served. 

The reception will finish by 6:30 pm to accommodate visitors who have engagements in the evening, but of course you are welcome to stay longer and visit.

Please RSVP so that we can plan for this exciting event! 

Please contact spmuseumreception@gmail.com or for information, Micaela Fitzsimmons, SPM Collections and Exhibits Manager, at micaela@stratfordperthmuseum.ca

Finding us:
Address: Line 34, Stratford, Ontario N5A 6S6, Canada
Phone Number: 1 519 393 5311

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