Friday, July 17, 2020

Dye Play Date at the TETT as we re-open softly....

Please join me if you can for a full day, Procion MX Dyes 
COLOUR ON CLOTH, dye play date 
on Sunday, August 23, 2020
10 am - 5 pm
Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning
370 King Street West
Kingston, ON

Students at all levels of experience with colouring cloth with dyes are WELCOME... 
Bethany will be sharing her favourite techniques for creating brilliant colour on cotton, linen, rayon or silk during this one-day workshop.

The dyes are provided and students will furnish their own fabrics. The details are found at the EVENTBRITE listing page Link to your tickets for the event are in the posting from the TETT below) or directly at the TETT Centre Events pages: 

Hoping you will join in on the fun!

Questions: Drop me a note at my Contact Page at

Be inspired...have fun!

TURNING POINT, created with Bethany's hand-dyed fabrics on display in
Studio 214D, TETT Centre Creativity Artists studios, 2nd level M/W/F afternoons.
RED SKY AT NIGHT, created with Bethany's hand-dyed fabrics and on display in Studio 214D,
TETT Centre Creativity Artists studios

 FIRE IN THE BELLY, Maria Shell, SAQA artist, Anchorage AK and a great friend who creates her art quilts with flat dye and Procion MX coloured fabrics often